Recent moment of real-ness: last Wednesday, one of my good friends from high school was visiting from Chicago. We went to The Plaza bar to play some Big Buck Hunter and to enjoy a few $2 Capital Ambers (a product of the highest-rated brewery in the world, located just a few blocks from my house). When we left at 9:30 pm, the place was so dead that the jukebox wasn't even playing. Less than two hours later, two patrons got in a fight (over the music!) and when they "TOOK IT OUTSIDE!" one fatally stabbed the other in the chest. Damn!
Anyway, "Man!" I said to myself after work today, "I haven't felt so giddy at the end of a friday since high school. Jobs are so good for producing extreme, relative feelings of freedom, energy and happiness!" Here's to reasoning that we're happy for the rest of our lives.
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